Wednesday, September 4, 2013

And Here It Goes...

Hi everyone!!  Thanks for coming to take a peek at my blog.  I thought this would be a nice way to keep everyone up-to-date on our home, our updates, and the crazy times we call our daily lives in Philadelphia.  There have been a lot of changes recently.  Oh, you know, the buying a house, us buying a FIXER UPPER house, me transferring in my job, Sean getting a NEW job, and me moving into a completely new city.  It's a lot of new things, good things, but new nonetheless.  Transitions are exciting, but can also be crazy and scary at times.  Our mission is to take everything in stride, take our time, and keep smiling through each new challenge.  

Here's us smiling (Note: We haven't tackled wallpaper yet at this point)  
Our new home is a 3 bedroom 1 bathroom (it was listed as 1 1/2 bath but I'm going to be fair and not count a toilet in the corner of the basement placed out-of-code in front of the electrical box a half bath) Cape Codish/Colonial in a beautiful suburb of Philadelphia.  I'm officially a Delco resident and Sean is happy to be back in the town where he grew up.  Without further ado, here she is:

Us on the morning of our closing
On August 9th we walked into closing, signed our lives away, and walked out with the keys to our new home :)  We jumped right into our reno, and I can't wait to share what we've done so far.  There will be more pics to come so stay tuned!!